Tips for Talking About Sex Education at Home

Written by Yesi, RSEI Educator | Published August 28th, 2020 As many young people and their families are getting ready for a new school year, many folks are looking for ways to ensure that sexual health information and sex education don’t get left out of virtual learning. Now more than ever in this new virtual … Continued

Take “Virginity” Out of Sex Ed

Written by Meghan, RSEI Educator | Published August 3rd, 2020 “Virginity” is a concept many of us grew up with, whether it was in our own sex ed classes, our homes, our religions, on the news or really anywhere else we looked. “Virginity” is so pervasive that it can often be difficult to discern between … Continued

Black Lives Need to Matter in Sex Education, Too.

Written by Maria, RSEI Educator | Published June 11th, 2020 You’ve heard it from us, and if you work as an educator, you’ll likely hear it again: beware of sharing personal values with your students. As sex educators, it’s something we are mindful of all the time. In many contexts, it’s helpful advice. For example, … Continued

National Masturbation Month

Written by Lily, RSEI Educator | Published May 23rd, 2020 This year, the entire month of May is dedicated to appreciating nurses through National Nurses Month, but did you know that May is also National Masturbation Month? This lesser-known awareness campaign comes with its own interesting history. It originated in 1994 when former U.S. surgeon … Continued

Virtual Sex Education: Where to Start?

Written by Meghan, RSEI Educator | Published April 30th, 2020 For many the in-person 2019-2020 school year ended much earlier than anticipated and with new and challenging obstacles to combat while grappling with the COVID-19 global pandemic. At RSEI we usually do a lot of programming at the end of the school year. This is … Continued

Trauma-Informed Sex Education

Written by RSEI Educator | Published April 30th, 2020 As youth-serving adults, our youth come to us with many different experiences, feelings, thoughts, and values when it comes to sex education. Comprehensive sex education has long been considered a critical piece in sexual violence prevention, but what about youth that already have sexual trauma when … Continued

National Native HIV AIDS Awareness Day

Written by Becki, RSEI Educator | Published April 2nd, 2020 National Native HIV AIDS Awareness Day (NNHAAD) is a national campaign celebrated every March 20th. It was founded in 2007 by Indigenous relatives from Turtle Island, the Northern territories, and the Hawaiian Islands. The date is usually on or around Spring equinox because of what … Continued

Starting the Conversation about Dating Abuse

Written by Maria, RSEI Educator | Published March 3rd, 2020 February 2020 marks the tenth anniversary of Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). In addition to being Black History Month, this month has also served as an opportunity for individuals and organizations to educate youth on the risk factors for dating violence and … Continued

Common Myths Among Youth

Written by RSEI Educator | Published February 6th, 2020 As educators, there are dozens of common questions that our students ask about sex, bodies, and relationships. While we hope that youth have access to information that is accurate and comprehensive, we know this isn’t always the case. As young people navigate the tricky waters of … Continued