Why Pleasure Needs to be a Part of Sex Ed

Written by Victoria, RSEI Educator | Published November 7th, 2022 There has been a lot of conversation in the media and political sphere about the supposed dangers of medically accurate, age-appropriate, and inclusive sex education. This is why the idea of adding – or even centering – pleasure in our sexual health classes feels even … Continued

Celebrating and Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth

Written by Yesi, RSEI Educator | Published August 15th, 2022 During the last decade, there have been historical moments that have been in favor of the LGBTQ+ community, such as the legalization of marriage equality on June 26, 2015, but this increase in visibility hasn’t always meant equity and liberation for LGBTQ+ youth and adults. … Continued

Quick Facts About Monkeypox

Written by Elizabeth, RSEI Educator | Published August 8th, 2022 What is Monkeypox? Monkeypox, also known as MPV, MPX, or MPVX, is a virus. It is related to other pox viruses, like smallpox and molluscum contagiosum. In fact, the smallpox vaccine has been shown to provide some protection against monkeypox. However, the US stopped providing … Continued

The morning-after pill is not the same as the abortion pill. 

Written by Lizzie, RSEI Educator | Published April 26th, 2022 Period. Yet this common misunderstanding around how emergency contraception actually works is shared amongst youth and adults alike. Emergency contraception (also known as the morning after pill) prevents pregnancy from happening in the first place, while the medication abortion (the abortion pill) ends an already … Continued

Talking about Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age

Written by Victoria, RSEI Educator | Published March 3rd, 2022 It would be unusual to enter a classroom, health center, or community space and not see people on their phones. And many of those people are probably scrolling through one of the many social media platforms that exist today. They may also be posting their … Continued

Sex Education for Adult Learners

Written by Lily, RSEI Educator | Published December 17th 2021 When we think about sex education, we often think of it as a topic that gets introduced to us in our adolescence. For many of us, it was presented in a classroom setting, in middle school or high school. Most often, adults remember the perceived … Continued

Addressing Common Concerns about Condom Demonstrations

Written by Elizabeth, RSEI Educator | Published October 27th, 2021 Many schools and organizations we partner with express concern about the impact of condom demonstrations on their youth. They’re worried about whether or not condom demos are developmentally appropriate, especially in middle school, if they will encourage young people to have sex, and if parents … Continued

How to Avoid “Flipping Our Lids” and Practicing Self-Care

Written by Cait, RSEI Educator | Published September 3rd, 2021 As we begin the school year, some of us may be feeling overwhelmed already. It’s no secret that it has been a stressful time. From in-person teaching and virtual teaching, there have been many ups and downs. A lot of stress has been put on … Continued

Black Pregnancy-Related Mortality in the US

Written by Victoria, RSEI Educator | Published August 2nd, 2021 In the United States, maternal mortality rates continue to rise, even though the U.S. spends more per person on healthcare than any other country. Black women, in particular, are at a much higher risk of maternal morbidity and mortality than any other racial or ethnic … Continued