Common Myths Among Youth

Written by RSEI Educator | Published February 6th, 2020 As educators, there are dozens of common questions that our students ask about sex, bodies, and relationships. While we hope that youth have access to information that is accurate and comprehensive, we know this isn’t always the case. As young people navigate the tricky waters of … Continued

Language Matters: Combating Stigma Through Adjusted Language

Written by Meghan, RSEI Educator | Published January 6th, 2020 When it comes to teaching, we know that the language we use is incredibly important. It shapes how participants understand and internalize our material. This means that it is extra important when it comes to sexuality education. Sex education has a long history of using … Continued

Unpacking Age of Consent Laws: What Should Meaningful Conversations Look Like?

Written by RSEI Educator | Published December 2nd, 2019 Let’s start with an uncomfortable truth: age of consent laws are flawed. Their intention of protecting young people from exploitation and abuse is great, but so often this intention is lost amongst negative side-effects of setting an age where sex between a teenager and someone much … Continued

An Open Letter to My Kid’s Sex Ed Teacher

Written by Daniela, RSEI Educator | Published November 4th, 2019 I have been a sexual health educator for over a decade. During that decade I have also trained many teachers and other youth serving adults to teach sex ed. One of the most common fears or concerns that I have heard from the people in … Continued

#IAmNotADistraction: How Dress Code Policies Sexualize Young Bodies

Written by Meghan, RSEI Educator | Published September 30th, 2019 At the Responsible Sex Education Institute, we provide sex education at a variety of settings, both in and out of school. Some of the schools we work with have adopted SSA (standard school attire, aka uniforms), while others utilize dress code policies. While acknowledging that … Continued

Teaching Porn Literacy to Youth

Written by RSEI Educator | Published August 26th, 2019 With the Internet literally at people’s fingertips, pornography has become more accessible in the last few decades than ever before. Youth-serving adults are often expected to educate about Internet safety concerns with students, but sometimes it can feel difficult to start conversations about pornography.  While it … Continued

Answering Tough Questions

Written by RSEI Educator | Published August 2nd, 2019 We’re deep into summer and it’s the season for tough questions. We hosted a webinar last week on Answering Tough Questions. In this webinar, two of our amazing educators outline the Responsible Sex Education Institute best practices when it comes to answering young folks’ questions and … Continued

Supporting LGBTQ Youth Sexual Health

Written by Yesi, RSEI Educator | Published July 1st, 2019 As youth serving professionals, educators, adults, and the wider community, we have a responsibility to provide comprehensive sex education that not only includes conversations and information about the diversity of sexuality and genders that exist, but it must also be informed by the lived realities … Continued


Written by RSEI Educator | Published May 30th, 2019 Here at the Responsible Sex Education Institute we are inspired by all that is being done to reshape the conversation around what has been known as “Teen Pregnancy Prevention”.  Specifically, the work Young Women United has done is really breaking apart the myths that permeate the … Continued

Do’s and Don’ts of Responding to Abuse

Written by Meghan, RSEI Educator | Published May 1st, 2019 As we close out Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we wanted to share some tips for responding to abuse disclosures from young people. Even if you aren’t a mandated reporter, reading through the tips below can help you navigate these difficult and often highly-emotional situations. Practicing … Continued