Crisis Lines

Trans LifelineThe Trevor ProjectLGBT National Youth Talkline
Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people. If you’re based in the U.S., call 877-565-8860.If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate crisis support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. The Trevor Project is 100% confidential and 100% free. If you’re in the U.S., call 1-866-488-7386.Providing confidential peer support, information, and local & national resources for callers ages 25 and younger. If you’re in the U.S., call 800-246-7743.

Tucking, Binding, and More

How to Bind Your Chest: Tips, Tricks and Safety While Binding by FOLX HealthHow to Tuck: Tips, Tricks, and Safety When Tucking
by FOLX Health
Packing 101: The Best Packers for Transgender Men and Trans Masculine Folks
by FOLX Health
Binding with TransTape for Chest Masculinization
by TransTape

Chat and Text Lines

Q Chat SpacePPFA Chat/TextScarleteen Chat and Text
Find and give support, have fun, connect around shared interests, and get good information. Chat with like-minded peers in live chats designed for you & by you, facilitated by folks who care.Planned Parenthood’s trained health educators are available to answer your sexual and reproductive health questions and help you come up with a plan. Chat online or text ‘Educator’ to 774636 (PPINFO) to get answers.Text is available 24/7 most days of the year, send your text to 206-866-2279. Live Chat has limited availability, check the website for more details.